Welcome to WellnessWorthLiving! I'm Dr. Carey Shaffer, a licensed Clinical Psychologist and Certified Health and Wellness Coach. 



I am a licensed clinical psychologist who has been working in the field of mental health for over 20 years. Throughout my career as a psychologist, I have worked with hundreds of individuals ranging from infancy to adulthood. During this time, I specialized in working with trauma and its impact on the brain. After a long career, I became aware of the toll that stress was taking on my own health and wellness and made the decision to turn my knowledge and experience towards my other love: Wellness and Well-Being.

As a Certified Wellness Coach, I draw on many years of clinical training and actively utilize evidenced based research in positive psychology and motivational interviewing to help my clients achieve real and immediate health and wellness results. 

In addition to my career as a psychologist and wellness coach, I am an avid backpacker, hiker, runner, and over-all wellness seeker. During the past decade, I have completed 3 marathons, 24 half-marathons and in 2016, completed the 220-mile, 22-day backpacking thru-hike of the John Muir Trail with my former husband and then-6-year-old daughter. You can read about our incredible journey HERE.

I believe that in order to best serve my clients, I too must prioritize health and wellness and I do so by living an active, healthy and meaningful life in the Bay Area with my partner, my 14-year old daughter and my close friendship community. 



Carey is a wonderful combination of intellect and education, balanced by equally evolved heart and spirit. She is insightful, without coming across as overly clinical, and has a gift for seeing a person as an individual. This combination of clinical and coaching expertise supports her clients in achieving real success, while also addressing the true individual values and motivators that lay beneath the surface.
— GM~ Musician
Carey is a fantastic coach. She’s brilliantly astute, sharp in vision and clarity of mind, intuitive, super sweet and incredibly exuberant. She really helped me identify my own goals and dreams; to see and tap into my own strengths and resources. Her ability to connect and be fun, friendly and exciting, made a huge difference and at the same time, her calm confidence and realistic support felt really important and grounding every step of the way.
— GS- Psychologist
I had the privilege of working with Carey through a work-based professional coaching program. She is an amazing coach and actually made me believe in the coaching process, which I was very skeptical about before our first meeting. Throughout the program, she always asked the right questions at the right time to make me think about myself and my approach to work and life. I can’t believe how positive this experience has been for me and I would recommend Carey in a heartbeat to anyone looking for a coach with a strong psychological background.
— SO- Software Engineer at Facebook
The weekly coaching with Carey is so fulfilling!  I have learned skills for decision making, how to balance critical thinking with needs and, most importantly, how to ask the right questions.  Carey is genius at hearing my thoughts and assisting me to both think through and “feel through” how to plan and make decisions about my future.  I am so blessed to have had the opportunity to work and learn with her!  She is wonderful!!
— CL- Financial Consultant
Carey’s coaching style is incredibly nurturing and supportive. During our sessions, I feel as though I am the most important person to her. She cares deeply about and lovingly encourages my growth and development. I feel safe in her presence and completely understood by her. Carey has the ability to see me exactly for who I am and what I have to offer, not only to others but what I have to offer to myself. I have more confidence in who I am because of my work with her.” VA-Mediator
— VA-Mediator
I had a breakthrough coaching experience with Carey in just 20 minutes. I came into our first coaching session with a big mental block that had been hindering my life for a long time and Carey was somehow able to cut right to the heart of the issue that I didn’t even know existed. It brought me to tears and I have felt lighter and more understanding of myself ever since. I highly recommend Carey for anyone looking for powerful coaching.
— -ES- Customer Success Manager